The latest from son Peter and family

 September 27, 2024

Below is a photo of Peter and family with David and Jenny Harris of BIMI who were in Nebraska in late September.  

Left to Right:   David Harris, Ben held by Dad Peter, Arianna, Mom Jewel with Elorie and Jenny Harris


August 3, 2024, was the 7th birthday of our first two grand children  Alora and Clarity, daughters of our son Joe and wife Christin.   They are becoming beautiful young ladies.  Wish we could see them more.  :-)    Happy Birthday you two!   

Just an update


Henry and I are feeling our age.  He's 70 now and I will be on the 18th.   I did get my Japanese driving license renewed Tuesday, though.   I had to sit through a two hour instruction class and take a road test around the driving course to do it, but I passed and have the new license for 5 years.  That is good news   :-)   

Henry has turned into a veggie farmer with lots of lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, spinach, squash, onion, potatoes, and other stuff.  He has a bunch of plants to still put in the ground someplace.   The garden stuff does taste good.  He has learned how to drive a tractor and the owner has him plow the two fields he has for growing squash.  He is also handy with the hammer and tools and will go up to northern Japan and help a fellow missionary renovate their new church building (starting the 13th).  He is very handy to have around.  :-)

Our six grandkids are growing well.  Peter and Jewel's Little Ben is crawling and trying to climb stairs. Big sisters Arianna and Elorie just love him.   He is about 8 months.   Joe and Christin are homeschooling their 3 girls.  He works for Amazon.   Steve works for Coca Cola in SC and still not married, but he takes care of his siblings.  Sara stayed with him many times when she was on deputation until recently.  Matthew is a manager at Panda Express and involved in our home church by singing in the choir.  He has grown a beard.  Teresa is in her 12th year teaching in Katy, TX.   The single ones don't have a person in which they are interested, at least they have not told us yet.   All of them contact us at least monthly. 

Easter Grands 2024

                                                           Arianna and her pretty hat 
                    Benjamin and Elorie on the bus                       Ben climbing the stairs     9 months
                                                        Ben and Elorie holding hands
                                                       All dressed up in a suit to hunt eggs
                       What a face!                                          Arianna, Ben and Elorie in Easter attire

Sakura and wood carvings

The Aonogahara train station is a minute walk from our house here in Ono City.  Every spring the eight huge cherry (sakura) trees are in full bloom in April.  People from all over come to take photos of these gorgeous trees.   

There is a wood carver near us and these are some of what he has done--bears and other critters.  Very life like.  

Update on my illness

 It has been two weeks since I was admitted to the Sturdy Memorial Hospital in Attleboro, Massachusetts.  When I got there, they took three vials of blood for tests, then after the admission process, I was put in a private room because I had tested positive for Covid.  I did not know they were going to do that test.  So I changed to a  hospital gown, got in bed and had IV's in both arms.  The right one was a slow drip of something that would counteract covid--took 10 hours to drip and I had two of those.  The other arm was for something that I don't remember.  I was able to eat the simple meals they provided.       

The nursing staff was very helpful and I had excellent care.   They checked on me frequently and I was able to nap that afternoon.       

I met a doctor on Wednesday afternoon and he said I was to stay overnight.   He had had covid and was not going to let me out early.   I did not like that idea, but could not do anything about it.  He mentioned I may have to stay a couple of days.  

Thursday morning I woke up and was feeling OK and had breakfast.  The nurses checked on me and put another drip bag on my right arm.  In the early afternoon, a different  doctor saw me and said I could leave that afternoon.   She made me happy and I looked forward to  being released.    When the IVs were removed I had bruises on both arms and found one on the back of my left arm.   This must have happened when I fainted.  These took about 10 days to disappear. 

 I was discharged at 5:00 PM.  Henry came and got me.  He could not come in the hospital, so I had to be wheeled to the entrance and got in the car there.  

Henry and Sara got a test kit from a pharmacy and they were both covid positive, as well as Mr. Fukumoto.  The pastor of the church at which Henry preached had booked hotel rooms for our family and Mr. Fukumoto who was with us. We stayed there Thursday night.  On Friday, Henry took Sara and Yuki to the airport.  Sara was going to Maryland and Yuki back to Japan.  That went smoothly.  

Henry and I moved into the church's prophet's chamber in Friday and we stayed there for about a week, then went to meetings we had scheduled in Maine.  

Through it all, God was so good in taking care of us and people praying for us.  It is truly a blessing to serve Him.  


Update January 2024

 This morning 1/17/24, I woke up and walked around the bed,but ended up on the floor.  I was able to get up slowly,, but passed out a second time.   I do not recall how I ended up on the floor.

We went to an ER about 10 am and it is now passed 4pm.   There have been many tests like MRI, blood, CAT scan, etc.  I feel OK.

 Doctor wants me to stay overnight because I hit my head and to rule out things.   Please pray.  Thanks.

Christmas in America

We had a wonderful Christmas last week with all the children and grandchildren in one place--Joe and Christin's home in West Virginia.  Except for Peter's family, we all slept in their house and managed not to step on each other   :-)   Sons Stephen and Matthew played the Uncle part very well, keeping the nieces happy and playing with them.  It was so good to see them interact.   

Joe's three daughters were really taken with Stephen as he just grabbed their attention by doing and saying things they loved (I could tell by the squeals of delight).  Matthew came on Monday and joined in the fun.  

Peter and Jewel's family came in on Monday night and stayed in a hotel with their two daughters and 5-month old son, Ben.  When they came over Tuesday, it was crazy all day.  Everyone got excited about the gifts they opened and found new favorites.

Thursday, Henry's sister and her family came over so that added another six people for dinner.  We did get photos, which will be cherished for years.  May be the last time we are all together at the same time and same place.  We shall see.  

Peter, Elorie, Arianna, Ben and Jewel

L to R:   Elorie, Willow, Clarity, Alora, Arianna and Ben 

 L to R:  back row:  Sara, Henry, Celeste, Christin, Joe, Matthew, Peter, Jewel, Ben

down front:   Around Stephen:  Clarity, Arianna, Willow on his lap.   Alora behind Teresa and Elorie on her lap.   

Little Benjamin 

Joe's family in the fall:  Clarity, Alora, Christin with Willow