Christmas in America

We had a wonderful Christmas last week with all the children and grandchildren in one place--Joe and Christin's home in West Virginia.  Except for Peter's family, we all slept in their house and managed not to step on each other   :-)   Sons Stephen and Matthew played the Uncle part very well, keeping the nieces happy and playing with them.  It was so good to see them interact.   

Joe's three daughters were really taken with Stephen as he just grabbed their attention by doing and saying things they loved (I could tell by the squeals of delight).  Matthew came on Monday and joined in the fun.  

Peter and Jewel's family came in on Monday night and stayed in a hotel with their two daughters and 5-month old son, Ben.  When they came over Tuesday, it was crazy all day.  Everyone got excited about the gifts they opened and found new favorites.

Thursday, Henry's sister and her family came over so that added another six people for dinner.  We did get photos, which will be cherished for years.  May be the last time we are all together at the same time and same place.  We shall see.  

Peter, Elorie, Arianna, Ben and Jewel

L to R:   Elorie, Willow, Clarity, Alora, Arianna and Ben 

 L to R:  back row:  Sara, Henry, Celeste, Christin, Joe, Matthew, Peter, Jewel, Ben

down front:   Around Stephen:  Clarity, Arianna, Willow on his lap.   Alora behind Teresa and Elorie on her lap.   

Little Benjamin 

Joe's family in the fall:  Clarity, Alora, Christin with Willow

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