Monday, June 21

Henry and I had a doctor appointment at 10:15. It had been years, of course, since we had seen our family doctor, so he wanted us to have some screening tests like a colonoscopy, mammogram, bone scan and blood tests. The blood tests we had done since we did not eat breakfast that morning. But after calling the places for these tests and discovering the cost, I called Aetna Global to find out if they were even covered. They are not since there is no reason to have them. Preventive tests are not covered under our policy. So I called BIMI and found out the tests would not even be applied toward our deductible. In order to keep down the premium costs for the large group of missionaries around the world, it was decided not to cover screening or vaccinations. But, if the doctors found a diagnosis of some kind, then it would be covered, but in order to do that, a test would have to be done. If it was negative, we would pay out-of-pocket. The cost for the colonoscopy was $1,400 each, the mammogram was $315 and the bone scan was $225. Upon discovering that this would cost about $3,500, which we do not have and if we did, we could use it better elsewhere (like paying a college bill), we decided not to get this done. We went to our doctor's office and explained the situation, wrote a note about the cost, etc., and it will be put into our files accordingly.

This afternoon, Henry took Anna and Sara over to the library while I took the car and did an errand or two.

This  evening we went over to Peggy Elgin's for dinner with her and Barbara Jo.  Those two have not changed; wonderful Christian ladies who are faithfully serving God after their husband went to heaven before them.  It is always good to talk to people who are staying by the stuff.  Sara did not say much, but she did talk some. 

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