Sunday, June 27, 2010

This morning we got to church a little early and set up our display.  

Sunday School was taught by Pastor Williams.  He had taken prayer requests then, as well as before the other two services.  The message was the last of a series on becoming a First Century Church by following what they did.  1) They moved forward by faith by looking unto Jesus.  The church must have strong faith in God and must be a believing church by exercising faith in God.  2Cor. 8:7.  2) The membership of the church has to join, not just attend, the church.  When someone does not become a part of the body of believers by joining, they feel no responsibility to the functions of the church and no burdens to tithe or make offerings.  Acts 4:23, 9:26, and 2:44.  3) The motive of the believing church is to have a clear vision of what you need to see.  2 Cor. 12:1-10.  How did Jesus see?  Are we obedient to His commands?  Do we glory in our own infirmities, instead of complaining, so that Christ can get the glory?

The morning service Henry preached on heaven being like a homecoming. 1) We are not at home in this world.  Man messed up God’s creation.  Gen. 1:31.  The way of transgressors is hard.  2) Someone has come after us to bring us home.  Compare ourselves to God’s standard.  The Father will receive you.  Matt. 11:28.  3) Stay home.  Christ keeps us safe.  Col. 2:6-7; 2 Thess. 2:15.  4) Be in the right doctrine.  Remember what you were. Stay in love with God.  Don’t stay at home—go out and get the sheep and think about the real home.  John 14. 

The choir and congregational songs were good, old-fashioned hymns and sung beautifully.  The choir did a special called “The Lord is My Light” which is really beautifully arranged.  You have to hear it.  I’ll find a link where you can hear this.  “The Lord is my Light.  And my Salvation.  Of whom shall I fear?”

After church, there was dinner on the grounds, only it was inside in the AC because outside it was over 100F.  A pig was roasted and pulled pork was the main course.  It was g-o-o-d.  The ladies prepared wonderful side dishes and desserts.  I think it is a requirement of believers that they be good cooks. 

Pastor Williams was teasing Sara for being so talkative.  She just smiled.  He said he would try to get her to talk before the day was over.  After the evening service, the Pastor’s family and we went out to McDonalds.  Sara finally said something.  In the car going back to the hotel she told us, “I like the Pastor.” 

During the evening service, Henry showed the presentation and preached again.  We had a great time there; it is great to know churches have not changed their standards, although the pressure is out there to do so.  Trinity is one church that has stayed the course.

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