Tuesday, June 15

About 10 a.m. we left the hotel and went to see where Stephen works. It is a new building in downtown Greenville. It is blue (my favorite color) and modern in design. The entrance has metal panels with holes in them that remind me of steel shelving. The building is literally a warehouse. The lobby had a monitor-type list of companies; most if not all, in the tech field. The interior walls are of a plastic that you can write on with a white-board marker. There are two floors with open ceilings. The Gnoso offices are in one corner of the top floor. We walked to the right and went to the first of the offices and met each of the employees. One of the rooms had a tennis table set up and on the wall were scores written. Nice, unique. The company is doing well after just three years in business.


We said goodbye to Stephen shortly thereafter, and headed up to NC. When we got into NC, I noticed that the median strips between the highways was nicely landscaped in places where overpasses were. The state has taken the time to plant tons of lilies in mostly yellow and orange along their highways, and have kept the grass cut. It is such a beautiful trip through there. Other states should take note. Anyway, we got to Farmville where we stayed with Woody and Deane Ferrell, now in their upper 80's. Mrs. Ferrell led me to the Lord back in 1975. Both have long since retired and are still active in their home church doing nursing home ministry. It was so good to see them. Mrs. Ferrell needs to have a heart valve replaced and is to see a specialist soon. Her skin is paper-thin and her arms are discolored from taking blood thinners she said. They insisted we stay the night which we did. We watched a baseball game between the Marlins and Texas. The husband of their granddaughter plays for Texas and is a good player; he scored the first on-base hit and the team eventually won the game. 

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