Wednesday, June 16

We left the Ferrells about mid-morning and headed for
Goldsboro, SC, a little south of there to meet Merry Sensing.  She is from Okinawa and we have corresponded with her for over 16 years.  We finally got to meet.  She works in a small interior decorating place called Anderson Interiors.   Merry holds Bible studies for some of the Japanese ladies in the area.   We have written her testimony in Japanese and distributed it in a tract.  She has been a blessing to us.  Her husband is former military and is not yet saved.

 After lunch we had to head to Virginia for a meeting in Woodbridge, south of DC and north of Fredericksburg. We got to the church about 6:30 pm due to traffic congestion through Richmond. After setting up the display and getting the presentation all arranged, services started. Henry showed the DVD, then answered some questions and then preached a short message. After the service we drove over to Clinton, MD.


Traffic. For all the years I have been in the DC area, the governments have still not gotten the roads right. There is always, always construction going on and traffic backups, even at 9:30 p.m. When we got across the expanded Wilson Bridge, traffic slowed down about a mile before our exit for not visable reason. Most distressing, but, then again, this is DC. Things do not change much here.


It was good to get back to our old stomping grounds. For the next couple of weeks we are staying with Ken and Mary and Anna Mae Gill right near our church.

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