Saturday, July 3, 2010

This morning we got over to Mary's about 8:30, just in time for breakfast. Mary met us at the door and gave each other a big hug. The last time we saw each other was at Dad's funeral in 1994. Much too long at this time of our lives. Anyway, the dogs met us, tethered to the leashes Tom was holding ready to take them on their morning walk. John was already cooking turkey bacon and sausages, yumm. Mary got David to make pancakes. We ate breakfast on the back deck amid the trees and butterflies, well one yellow one anyway. Henry went inside later and talked with Geoff while he and John watched the quarter finals of the World Cup. Geoff was a certified referee at one time. 
We had to leave at 10:30, so said our goodbyes and left about 11:00 a.m., heading to Maine.

The drive to the Northeast was really beautiful through the forested areas where it seemed that just the interstate highway cut through the trees in many places going through New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Maine. When we would get off the road to get gas or to eat, we sometimes drove through small towns that were decked out for the Fourth of July.

We got to the Bethesda Baptist Church about 7:00 pm and met Pastor Martin a few minutes later. He led us over to John and Alicia West's home, about 5 minutes from church where we would be staying. John is the grandson of Pastor West whom we met about 20 years ago. He and his wife have two cute little girls named Emily 2, and Olivia about 9 months. Such adorable kids. How I remember what it is like to have two that close in age years ago. That must be why God designed women to have children when they are young when they have plenty of energy and no aches and pains. I cannot get on the floor as easily as I used to.

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