Sunday, Independence Day 2010, # 234

It was a beautiful Sunday morning here in Maine. The weather was cool and clear at the start. We went to church and set up the display about 9:10 a.m. As Sara and I were putting items on the table, in walks a lady named Cora Owens, 86, who has been writing missionaries from the church since 2000. She is a wonderful, talkative Christian lady and has written some 20,000 poems.. I joined her Sunday School class and found that she was an excellent teacher. The lesson was on consequences of choices and how our decisions affect our family as well as us, sometimes until the third and fourth generations.

 Emily, her dad and mom and Olivia

  Pastor had asked us to teach Junior Church, so Henry taught the dozen kids there some kanji, Bible verse in Japanese and a couple of Japanese choruses. They each received a Japanese 5 yen coin with a hole in it. The kids seem to like this little gift whenever I have given them out.

After the service we went over to Pastor Martin's house for a lunch of bone-in ham, veges and mashed potatoes then brownies for dessert. Mrs. Martin was not doing well as she had some virus/cold that just flat out put her out. It was going around the church. She could barely talk, so we sent her on back to lie down until we got lunch ready. She hardly ate anything. We then sent her back to lie down again while we cleaned up the dishes. Pastor asked Henry some questions since we had never met and he was new to the church in the last year.

During the evening service Henry showed the presentation, then fielded a few questions and after the offering preached the message on It's Election Time.

  After the service we went to the Edwards' home for a dinner of tacos, both hard shell and soft shell. We have not eaten tacos in a couple of months, it was delicious. We had to finish quickly so we all could drive down to the local ball fields to watch the 9:00 pm fireworks. They were really pretty and loud and about 20 minutes long; a really good show for the size town of about 5,000 people. I videoed the finale and have it posted at

While we walked back to the car I was singing My Country 'Tis of Thee", a very fitting end to a grand 4th of July.

We got back to the house before the West family did. When they came home, little Emily was coming up the stairs; I was standing at the top. She said she saw the fireworks and said, "I was scared. Made my chest hurt." They were rather loud at times. She was so cute.

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