Sunday, July 25, 2010

We went to church at Independent today and did not have to do anything!! We got to enjoy the service. Pastor Pat Creed and June were there, as well as Mrs. Dove whom we did not see in June.

Pastor Mike's message this morning was on the individuals who will be in hell.

Hell is a place of separation from God; torment, suffering.

  1. Satan. Isaiah 14:12.
  2. Fallen angels
  3. Satan's Trinity Rev. 19:20— including the beast and the false prophet
  4. Mark of the beast Rev. 14:9-11
  5. Wicked of all ages. Matthew 13:49. Fearful, atheist and abominable
  6. Those not written in the Lamb's book of life
It was a powerful message. There were three that got baptized and one lady joined the church. 

This is Trinity, a real charmer.

After church, w told Pastor that Peter had sent a text message saying that we could do what we felt best with the car. So we will return to Clinton after going to BIMI this week, then fly out on Wednesday, August 4, to LA, stay in a hotel and catch the flight out to Japan on Thursday next week. We will buy Peter a ticket to DC and ship his stuff for him. He said he will finish there about August 24-26. It might be that Teresa will be able to see him before she returns to college. We got her a ticket back to LA on August 23rd

We then went home, packed our stuff for the week at BIMI and took two suitcases and our computers. It was a light load, considering. 

We traveled down to the Patuxent Baptist Church in Southern Maryland for the evening service arriving about 5:30 p.m.

During the service the teens gave testimonies about their week at Youth Conference in Hammond, Indiana. They all said they would pray an hour a week for America, one of the challenges received at the conferences. It was a fine group of young people. One of the young ladies took first place in the piano competition and she played her winning piece before Henry preached.

The sermon tonight was a new one for me to hear. Many people responded and one man got saved tonight.

Pastor Connor and Lori started the church years ago. Henry taught Lori in high school. Rick got saved about 1980-81 or so. I remember seeing him on a Sunday morning making a public profession. He had this wide Afro-style hair. That evening he came back and he had his hair cut. You could tell he had a life-changing experience. From there he dated Lori and they married in 1985. They have been faithful to serve and have built a fantastic, diverse church where they are. It is so good to see people stay by the stuff.

After the service we went out to eat then we had to leave to drive a couple of hours to Chattanooga. We stopped about midnight at a Howard Johnson's.

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