Monday, April 16, 2012

On our way back to Clinton, we stopped by Mrs. Owens’ home near Frederick.  She and her husband started Sound of the Word, a literature/tape ministry to missionaries.  Her husband had passed away about two years ago and had turned the ministry over to the Veenstras.  Mrs. Owens is about 87 and spry, witty and just fun to be with.  She tried to get Sara to talk and would make comments about her to see Sara’s reaction.  She did smile and say a few words.  We met her son and then prayed with them before leaving.  Gracious, wonderful Christians.

Traffic was backed up merging from 270 onto the Beltway so it took us until about 6:00 pm to get back to Clinton.  We were met by Peter and Joe.  Mr. Ercole who lives down the street, has a car for sale Joe wanted to see.  He and Henry took a spin around the block and Joe has decided to buy it.  It is a good deal—63,000 miles, about 6 years old, compact and great gas mileage.  Now he will apply for the loan at the credit union and go from there. 

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