Sunday, April 15, 2012 Tax Day

We drove about  30 minutes to Mannington, WVA, where the Calvary Baptist Church is.  It is an older building, but recent remodeling has brightened the interior.  The platform is now a beautiful blond wood floor and it really looks bright in there.  Henry spoke in Sunday School on the 9 nails and a boat sermon from last week.  It was good the second time around.  :-) 

Pastor Bowman preached the morning service.  He used to be an evangelist and preaches like one.  Really good.  John 11:40—Death is Coming.  Many people today do not allow their children to see death as in going to a funeral.  It does not prepare them for that event.  Death is a part of life. 

Here Lazarus was in the tomb.  Jesus told them to take away the stone.  There was a desperate plea from Martha, saying, “by now he stinketh.”  She did not tell Jesus anything He did not know.  In this verse Jesus tells here to “trust me…if you believe God, you will see the Glory of God.” 

Matt. 11:28-30; Heb. 4:5.  Ex. 33:8-14.  There is a rest to the people of God. Phil. 4:6.  Be careful for nothing.  When you are in the valley, your faith is on the summit. Ps. 18:2.  When in the valley, don’t tie a knot and hang on.  Let go of that knot and stand on the Solid Rock of Christ.  John 11:40. 

Pastor Bowman

After service we were taken to a terrific Italian Restaurant for lunch.  The servings were way too big, not like the small portions we get in Japan.  Delicious.  Sara had to take her portion home. 

Henry’s former roommate from back in 1980-83, Ken Jamerson, goes to this church.  He has not changed much at all.  Still single, still memorizing scripture, still out of the ordinary.

Henry preached the evening service after showing our DVD presentation.  My notes:

Looking Ahead to Looking Back  Matthew 25:14.
We are given talents by the Master.  How did the men in this portion of scripture use them? We have a responsibility we have been given.  The 1 talent guy was making excuses for not increasing his talent.  These excuses were, I might make a mistake, doubting my ability; a misconception of inability to do something.  Why did he get the talent unless the Master thought he could use it?  Go in the strength of Christ.  There is the excuse of fear.  He called the Master a liar because he did not believe the Master.  There is the misconception of the value of a soul. 

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