Flight to SFO

Friday, we had to get up at 4:00 a.m.  (groan) to depart the house for the airport.  Joe spent the night so he could drive us to Dulles Airport.  We managed to leave just after 5:00 a.m. and got to the airport about 6:00 a.m.--good timing as the roads were not that crowded.  However, there was a lot of cars on the road at that hour going someplace...

We were able to check in at the curbside area and proceeded to wait until our flight about 9:30 a.m. after a short delay.  The flight itself was great, although the seats were cramped, but that is to be expected in economy class.  We don't usually fly United, but have some free miles for the tickets.  The airline service is not like it was a few years ago.  The airline now charges for checked baggage; if you want a meal, you have to buy it for between $6-9 and it came in the form of a snack box--lots of carbs, little protein.  Anyway, I prefer the hot meals with eating utensils.  Cleanup was easier, but air travel is just not the same, expect for those who can afford business and first class.  Ok, that's off my chest, so on to the rest of the trip.

 Sara had the window seat and spotted this lake which may have been man made. The rim was rather even and smooth.
 This is a bridge across the San Francisco Bay as we approached the airport. 
  As we walked the airport to get our luggage there was a display from the Singer Sewing Company.  It was spiffy seeing all the old sewing machines and patterns from 80 years ago.  These were working toy machines.  Aren't they cute?
One of the last ones was of quilt blocks, so I had to take a photo!

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