Monday, November 5, 2012

We left Clinton about 9:00 and got to Dulles about 10:00 a.m.  Joe dropped us off and we headed into the airport.  An underground train has been built to take passengers from the main terminal to the one where you board your flight.  It is better than those big bus=type things they’ve had.

It was a full flight; 14 hours to Tokyo, but really a smooth one.  It was not easy to sleep, but I did doze some. 
                                  Somewhere over Alaska about 6 hours into flight

We arrived at Tokyo about 5:00 p.m. and had to catch our flight to Itami airport about 5:45, so we had to hurry through customs and get to the plane.  Somehow we three were not sitting in the same row, even though there were plenty of vacant seats.  Anyway, we landed OK at Itami, got the luggage and met Noseh-san who came to pick us up.  We got back to the house about 9:00 pm, and took showers and went straight to bed.  Unpacking on Monday.  Nice to be back, but the trip was too short, as always. 

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