Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I have not published my political opinion, but this time I am.

It’s OK to cry.  After learning of the election results, my heart just ached, wondering how so many people could be duped into believing all the empty rhetoric.  What has happened to the land of my nativity? 

As I looked on the election maps state by state, I noticed all the democratic counties were along the West coast, the Northeast above Virginia, and around Illinois and among those individual states, just a handful of counties were actually democrat, where the majority of the state voted republican.  It was around the big population centers that the president got his biggest support.  Grassroots America did not vote for four more years of the same bad policies, but we will have to put up with it.  Here is an excellent post-election article.

It is not time to despair.  “To despair is to not believe God,” as quoted by Marilla in Anne of Green Gables.  This whole thing is because God planned it; perhaps as a judgment on Christians who are not being the salt of the earth.  It is time to double down and seek God and ask that He heal our land, as only He can do. 

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