September 1-3, 2015 Wedding Prep Days

Tuesday I spent several hours hemming, then pleating a very long piece of cloth that will cover the platform at the reception being held at camp.

Wednesday we went to North Platte Baptist Church and these three siblings wanted their photo taken.
Peter cut the hair of his Ring Bearer named Caleb.  This was Thursday.
Yards and Yards of tulle were spread across the auditorium.  Below, Joe added some extra tulle to fill in gaps.

The Ward ladies, added tulle to the side of the cake table.  Here are Teresa, Sara and Christin sitting and the future Mrs. Jewel Ward 
Thursday afternoon we moved to the camp tent where the reception will be.  My guys pitched in and were great in helping set up. 
The meal will be chicken with veggies that are baked in the camp kitchen. 
The ceiling was decorated with paper flowers tied on to ribbon.  
Several ladies spent a couple of hours separating tissue paper flowers.  There's the bride's grandma helping out.

We went to the Reeve's house for dinner with the two families and the bridal party.  Afterwards, I presented Jewel and Peter with the wedding quilt I made.  Georgie Culley in Virginia did the quilting and it is really amazing.  They both loved it, as did everyone.  The blue side pattern is called Celebration and the backside is my traditional Christmas sampler 

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