September 5, 2015 Wedding Day

These are some highlights of wedding day.  I'll post more on Flicker when we get back to Japan

Emberlynn shows off her first-time painted nails.

Hope does her sister's hair.  

The guys rented their entire outfit, including shiny shoes.  They got to keep the socks. 
Me and my guys--I love you all! 
Grandma prays with her granddaughter. 
The bride's grandma, mom and Emberlynn
Pastor Setser from Florida performed the ceremony because Jewel's Dad said he probably could not.  Here he helps Peter with the lapel flower. 

Peter surprised everyone by kissing Jewel for the first time, using the dip method.  He practiced with Sara so he would not drop his new bride.  Just barely got the shot, it happened so fast. 
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ward
These are my terrific young ladies and men.  Does mom proud, guys! 
The photographer staged this photo--the little kids hide their eyes as Peter and Jewel cute!

Emberlynn with another admirer. 
                        Joe, Buddy Reeves and Matthew

                         Joe, Christin, Peter and Jewel
Talking to Pastor Setser and his wife before they left. 

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