Some happenings around Ono

 There are a few things I see almost daily around here and I am sharing the photos with a description.  

  This is the owner's shed in which Henry can store all his tools and building supplies, plus the owner's tractor to plow the fields. 

  About twice a year a big truck comes and picks up a huge metal meshed container containing  non-burnable trash the owner has thrown out.  It is interesting to watch the crane lift this heavy thing and put it on the truck to haul away somewhere.  

The following are some sunsets and cloud formations on our drive to church 

Some rare fog seen looking up our street; our  house roof  and driveway are on  the left.  

Purple iris bloomed in May.  Next to it is the start of lettuce and green beans 

This is the Kakogawa river about 1/4 mile from our house.  It's flooded because of heavy rains back in June.  

Across the river  you can see construction equipment that is working on a new bridge to cross over the river.   On this side is Ono City where we live.  Once you cross the river it becomes Kato City, fyi. 

This is the latest (July) work--rebar in cement on the opposite side of the river we cross.  The road to the river will lead up to this and the new bridge which is scheduled to be completed on halloween.  :-)   

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