The living room. Dad had the fireplace built back in 1969.

Admir, Henry and Celeste out front.

We then went across town a bit to visit our brother Donald. He is in a wheelchair and does not have his legs due to blood clots and such over 20 years ago. He is also over 300 pounds, has long gray hair and has lost many teeth. He lives in a small house/apartment for disabled/elderly in an assisted living facility. He seems to like doing what he does, which is not much really, except taping tv programs for people. When I asked him about what happens after he died, he said he was just not
interested, and it was fine for other people to believe that, but it was not for him. The contrast between Donald and Admere was remarkable–one so ready and the other totally not interested. However, his attitude is not one of bitterness like one might expect. Donald is one who needs to get saved, he just does not realize it yet.

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