Trip to America, Week one

It started on April 23rd. We left around 11:00 am from our home to the airport with a van full of luggage. Noseh-san rode with us so she could take the van back. We left Kansai about 3:45 pm or so and headed east. It was a bumpy ride sometimes, but the captain told us before we landed that the 200 mph tail winds got us in about 90 minutes earlier than scheduled. So we had plenty of time to navigate the San Francisco airport before the next flight to Dulles in Virginia. We arrived there
sometime after 8:00 pm I think, rented a van and headed to Henry’s sister’s house in Mt. Airy, MD.

Uncle Rick and Aunt Carolyn were waiting patiently, so we all unloaded the stuff and then chatted for some time. Henry and his sister love to talk politics while the rest of us sorta went off to bed. Rick was stuck since he had to wait for Carolyn to help him. Their story is remarkable in itself and worth telling in another missive sometime. He is a quadriplegic from an accident in Vietnam.

The kids really took to their aunt and uncle, but Rick kept saying that they should be quiet because they make so much noise (not–he was just kidding). Henry and I took an early morning walk on Tuesday around the block, as it were, in the country and it was so beautiful. We saw horses, birds, and a couple of white-tailed deer in the woods by the stream. Henry got some wonderful movie shots of that area. Such wide, open spaces with lots of room to run if one had the inkling.

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