Thursday, May 10, Leaving Colorado

In the early morning, like 4:00 am, everyone but Stephen and Matthew had to arise to catch the early 6:20 flight to San Francisco and a connecting flight to Japan. Peter was going to Los Angeles about the same time so he came with us. There was more room in the cars since two were not going, so the trip to the airport was easy. Barb and Gerry dropped us off at the entrance. We hugged and said our goodbyes (sniff, sniff). The trip to SFO was uneventful. Again breakfast was a drink and pretzels.

We got to SFO about 9:30 am and waited until 12:30 for the Japan flight. In the meantime we ate breakfast (very expensive at Just Desserts) and then took a shuttle to the terminal, thereby bypassing another security check-in. Once there we went down to our waiting area and waited. Henry and I at different times took a few laps around the upper terminal which I judged to be about a km or so for twice up and down that hallway. Got some sourdough bread and a couple of magnets and then got on the plane finally. The trip over the ocean was about the smoothest I have ever been on and for that I am grateful. We landed in Kansai about 4:00 pm and Noseh-san met us outside with our van. We had arrived in Japan.

Came home to a yard that had a three-week growth of weeds. We missed all the tulips blooming, but the iris and the columbine are in full bloom now. It will take a couple of weeks to get around to cleaning up the place. Strawberries seem to be doing fine. Henry did not plant a garden so we don’t have veges to pick. Also found out we have carpenter ants eating away around the laundry room door. Found a sizeable pile of sawdust on the floor. Tadaima!

All in all, the trip was expensive but well worth the cost of having the family together again even for just a few days. The kids got to meet their aunts and uncles and get to know them. We got to reacquaint ourselves with friends and see some childhood places. It was all so good, and way too short a time. God is good, just the same.

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