Tuesday, June 8

Today is BIMI's 50th Anniversary celebration. We went over in the early afternoon and parked by the Lee Roberson Auditorium. Several displays were set up in this building as well as a book table. We headed up to the main building where Open House was from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The lobby was packed with people. It was so good to see and meet many people we have known through the years. What is even better is to see people still serving God faithfully. Some of the home office staff were in motorized wheel chairs; Mr. Dwire was walking with difficulty with two canes. Several staff members are senior volunteers helping where they can. 
We met the Gardners, Monteiths, Burchells and Fishers and saw the Harris family all from Japan. Who is minding the store? LOL.

Bob and Dan 
We went with Dr. Frazier to a BBQ restaurant for a hurried dinner as the evening service started at 6:30 pm. Good food, and we made it back in time.

There was a huge tent set up with some 600 chairs; the overflow was in the previously-mentioned auditorium where we opted to stay in the AC. The service was to be broadcast via live stream, but the video portion was not good so mostly we heard what was going on. Toward the end of the service, Dr. Snyder was installed as the new President, then a video presentation of the history of BIMI was played. It is amazing what God has done in the last 50 years through our mission. There are currently some 1000 missionaries in 100 nations around the world preaching the gospel to the lost and dying souls. Should the Lord tarry, let us continue to pray that BIMI remain as strong and true to God's word. He is good, all the time.


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