Friday, July 30, 2010

Today our Joe is 20 years old. Happy birthday!

We finished up the last day of Enrichment Week with a message from the Director, David Snyder. He used an acrostic on Faith using Hebrews 11.

  1. Focus forward by reviewing the past; looking to the future and concentrating on eternity.
  2. Abhors apathy. We will move v. 7, always forward, and moving whole heartedly.
  3. Ignores impossibilities. The Physical as in Abraham and Sara. Spiritual armor in Matthew 17; Salvation of souls, Luke 25:18 and Heb. 11:29
  4. Trusts tenaciously even when it takes longer, Acts 7:23; even when you don't know how it will turn out; Daniel 3
  5. Honors Him—God is pleased through lives of faith like Enoch Heb. 11:5, Abraham. God will reward. Gen. 12:2

After the morning session was over, everyone packed up, got some sandwiches to take along or eat in the dining room, then left. It was a good week. We went over to see some friends from Independent, Marcel and Sandy Anderson. We met their daughter Marie and youngest son. Marcel had the day off, Sandy came in a little later. They have not changed much at all. Both are looking to get employed with the TVA after completing some further education.

 Along about 4:00 p.m. we got gas for the car and headed up 81 back toward Maryland. According to our GPS we would arrive about 1:00 a.m. and called the Gills about 10:00 to tell them. We also called Peter and told him where we were and such.

We got off the interstate near Staunton, VA, about 10:35p.m. to get gas and had to make a left turn across a divided highway. I put my shoes back on. Upon making the turn, we got rear ended and Peter's car is a mess; possibly totaled.

I got a nasty goose egg upon hitting the door window. I was taken to
the hospital in an ambulance, my first, and hopefully only, experience.
All the emergency room folks were great; it was not a busy night and I
was released about midnight. No one else was injured; the other driver
was OK, but her car front end is smashed also. It is a 2001 Audi.

Meanwhile, at the scene, Henry's brief case was thrown from the trunk, but a family from NY in a big truck found it and brought it to the scene. Nothing was missing from the briefcase, even the passports. Praise the Lord. Henry's Japanese computer screen is cracked, but still works. The guy, named Brad, took Henry and Sara to the hospital to get me. He was our angel unawares for the evening.

Please pray this event will not hinder us from returning to Japan. We
leave DC Wednesday afternoon to LA, then fly out on Thursday next
week. Also pray that Henry will not beat himself up over this; he is
saying it is all his fault, we cheated Peter out of his car, etc. Henry was charged with not yielding the right of way. However, it was allowed by God for a reason. It could have been much worse

Thanks for your prayers and we will be in touch once we know more of what's going with the car, insurance and all of that. Peter will probably get another car out of this.

God is still good, even in Staunton, VA

1 comment:

ozjane said...

God is good and it will be interesting to see how He makes something good come out of a totaled car and extra problems....however I like the acrostic of FAITH.

Am slowly getting better from bronchitis and high temps....kept out of hospital by the skin of my teeth, the grace of God,my skimpy faith to reach out that He is my healer...and the fact that my lungs have not been hurting.
But what I would have given for some oxygen on a couple of nights.
But we got there and God is good.