July 23-24, 2015 Indiana to Ohio

Here's a couple more of the many trucks on the road delivering goods to market.  Thank you truckers.

The American flag is one of my favorite symbols of the United States.  This really big flag in Indiana was at half staff honoring the Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  Many flags are at half staff and that is so good to see people honoring our fallen military heroes.
We stopped by Nancy's Fancy's Sewing Corner in Richmond, VA, and collected the Row by Row pattern and license plate.
 I got a kick out of this sign in the store near the register.
This is  replica of the store's fabric license plate.  Nancy said the Row by Row event has really boosted business and I was there to help keep a small business in business.  :-)
The welcome sign at a rest stop in Ohio in multiple languages.

We stayed in the lovely home of the Gillespie family who have visited Japan a couple of times.  They are a fine Christian family.
On their property is a tree that is said to be one of the oldest in the town they live in.  It's a magnificent specimen of God's creation.

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